A Fan-tastic Fan Day Week | Monarch Media

Trinity Hall continues to set records and turns heads each season as the athletic talent rises exponentially. Each team embodies the true values of Trinity Hall as they compete against many other talented schools across New Jersey. All athletic teams at Trinity Hall reflect on the importance of reliability and accountability. “Fan Days” are a key aspect to what it is like to be part of the Trinity Hall community. Cecilia Sperber ‘25, Athletics Council Chair, touches upon the significance of fans days: “Fan Days enhance the sisterhood of Trinity Hall. They are full of energy, excitement and fun. I love being able to cheer on our Monarchs and celebrate the achievements of my sisters.” 

Sperber and members of the Athletics Council work extremely hard to coordinate these Fan Days so that the entire community can attend. These events are what encourage and strengthen the true sisterhood of Trinity Hall. 

The exciting week of Fan Days kicked off with the swim team. The Monarchs were 6-0 going into their meet against Red Bank Regional, coming off a strong win against St. Rose. The students filled the Ranney Aquatic Center bleachers with chants, helping the Monarchs defeat RBR in a sweeping 108-62 win. One of the top swimmers in the state, Lauren Hanus ‘25, recalls what it felt like to swim under the presence of her peers: “The fans were so encouraging and brought incredible energy, completely changing the atmosphere. Red Bank Regional is a tough team, so having the extra support from my friends and the school community made the win feel extra special.” The connection that is felt between the athletes and fans is something that is untouchable and is a key part to what makes Trinity Hall athletics so special. 

Fan Day week concluded with the basketball team in their battle with the talented Ranney Panthers. Bridget Rigney ‘26, one of the five starters for the Monarchs, described what it felt like to play in front of so many fans: “Having my friends and peers in the crowd was a true inspiration for me to keep pushing for more throughout the game. The student section brought so much energy and positivity that kept me and my teammates going. When we faced fatigue or needed a big stop, it was the cheering and screaming of the student section that helped us overcome those challenges.” The Monarchs ended up taking a heartbreaking three-point loss, but battled head-to-head until the final buzzer. 

Maeve Shanley ‘26 was a part of the fiery student section and added, “As a member of the Athletics Council, it was super fun to be in an electric environment and see one of our planned events come together and be so successful. It was also awesome to see how talented our classmates are outside of the classroom and how passionate they are for their teammates.” Fan Days are one of the key aspects to the student life at Trinity Hall. They bring the community together and connect students of every grade as they experience why Trinity Hall is so unique. 


Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students: Trinity Hall admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.