Theresa Kiernan is the Director of Advancement and Admissions at Trinity Hall. Questions? Email [email protected].
The admissions team wants to hear from you.
It’s hard to believe the summer is over, and on this Labor Day weekend we are ready to begin another school year. I have always been a sucker for that “Back to School” feeling and this year is no different. One of my favorite things about this time of year is that I begin speaking with parents and students interested in attending Trinity Hall. Regardless of the amount of knowledge a family has about our school, their experience throughout the admissions process gives them a sense of what it would be like to join our community. It is my privilege to represent the school in this way, and I look forward to working with families throughout the duration of the admission season.
I am a high school admissions director and I feel quite comfortable saying, on behalf of all who share my profession, we want you to contact us with your questions about admissions. Speaking personally, you can call me or email me anytime you like. I am here to provide guidance and oversight, and I will help you stay on track as you journey through a process with many requirements, hard deadlines and ample paperwork. I am committed to the mission of my school and to actively advancing this mission by cultivating the next class of Monarchs. This is my job – and I love my job. If there is something you’d like to discuss, please do not feel like you’re wasting my time. This is why I come to campus every day.
However, when you are attending an Open House, it is not in your best interest to engage in a long conversation with the admissions director. Most Open Houses offer a very small window of opportunity to communicate with the widest array of faculty and students you may have before making the decision to enroll in a school. At Trinity Hall, we really roll out the red carpet for our visitors and have all classrooms and labs open, with teachers from every discipline, students at every turn, and administrators and representatives from the Parents Association mingling through to guide, assist and inform. While Trinity Hall offers two Open House events (Saturday, October 5 and Wednesday, November 6), many schools offer only one. It is important to be strategic with your time at any school you visit, so take advantage of your access to individuals with whom you will not have contact again.
THEN, the day after the Open House, call the admissions team. Refer to the notes you jotted down as you walked the halls, or thoughts that came up during your conversation in the car on the way home. Or, call before the Open House and let the admissions team know you’re coming so they can find you and say hello. Call if you have questions during any step of the admissions process. Inquiries are encouraged from both parents and students. In fact, receiving an email from a student applicant is one of my favorite types of email to receive – and the diligence of the applicant may be shared with the admissions committee later on.
So enjoy these last few hours of summer, and then embrace the fresh start of a new school year. I look forward to meeting you soon!